fine silver tall vase


This vase is from my silversmithing range; I create small and large pod vessels, bowls, vases and tableware, which are all hand raised, form flat sheets of metal. I use hammers and mallets to add surface texture and decoration to the pieces, and acid to take the silver surface back to its natural white state. The vessels are constructed to be free standing and off centre, giving them a fluid natural quality.

Hand raised from a flat sheet of fine silver this stunning vase is in the form of a tall fluted tulip, beautifully tactile, and lightly textured with soft plannishing hammer marks, and finished off with a stunning bright burnished edge.

fine silver, 230mm high x 90mm.

SKU: SC0147 Categories: ,
All of my silversmithing work is made to order, if you wish to discuss having a piece of silversmithing commissioned, whether it be something you have seen here or something new I am happy to provide sketches, drawings and quotes, please do contact me to discuss ideas and possibilities.


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